Saturday, August 17, 2013

Week 7, last blog

This is the last blog of the quarter and I have to admit that I'm glad that this quarter is almost over. This class had been extremely difficult and had completely destroyed my G.P.A. I have tried to understand the content but I just haven't gotten it. Also I ended up taking a class that I didn't need for my program which is a little frustrating. But I have to admit that I have learned some things that have interested me like typing and boyfriend and I have been talking about what genetics or phenotypes that or children might have from the both of us. So mostly this week I have been doing little blocks with hair color, eye color and blood type. It is interesting to figure out what ratio of what your children could come out looking like and figuring out blood types.

Also I did one on me for blood type since I don't know what my father is since I never knew him and since I'm A+ and my mom is O+ that makes him an A blood type. I guess that was simple but really before I took this class I had no idea of how all that was determined.

Well all I can do now is try to do okay on this last quiz and final and hopefully I can salvage my G.P.A since my GI Bill is riding on it.

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