Monday, August 5, 2013

Week 5

I totally forgot about my blog until now. Sometimes this can be so difficult to remember when you have so much other things going on that tend to consume your life.

The week before last I had an appointment for a colposcopy (cervical biopsy). I thought it was interesting that to prepare for the bioposy, to make the cells more visible they apply regular vinager to the cells.

As the doctor was inspecting the cells it was realized that the cells were not spreading and a biopsy did not have to be conducted (so happy). My cells are abnormal and clustered but as long as I go back every year for my pap and HPV tests things should be fine. But I know now that every girl/boy at age of 12, should get the HPV injections to stop this from happening to more people.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. I wonder if they would let you see the cells if you asked - that would be cool.
