Monday, July 1, 2013


My name is Mariko.  I am recently separated from Active Army and now am currently in the Reserves. I live in Auburn with my boyfriend. As a person I am too caring to a fault and very stubborn and hard headed. I lack patience and am very much an A type personality. I am taking this class as a pre-req for the Medical Assistant program. There really is nothing that interests me in biology but it is something that I need for my program. I suspect everything in this class will be hard for me. I have never done well in sciences, and expect the quizzes to be harder since I am mostly use to True/False multiple choice questions since I really don't have very good attention span and memory. But I will try my best to at least pass this class. Aiming for a 2.0. We'll see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. I'm a little confused. If you're interested in being a medical assistant, can there really be nothing interesting about biology?

    Feel free to ask for help if you're having trouble with anything, and definitely make sure to keep up on your study questions to help with the quizzes.
